Friday, August 20, 2010

How to help a guy friend get over a break up... guys help please!?

My best friend just broke up with his gf of 4 yrs (she was cheating on him) I don't know how to comfort him since I moved to another state.. I was thinking of sending him a box full of silly stuff, just to him him laugh n feel better..

Here is where I need help, guys what would u like that would lift ur spirits.. guy stuff?

He's my best friend,it breaks my heart to see him like this :(How to help a guy friend get over a break up... guys help please!?
Send him some nudey pics.

Really.How to help a guy friend get over a break up... guys help please!?
Thats almost impossible.Time is the only thing that will help that.

But if you can go to a store and get him an outfit , cologne, and have a female pick all of this out, and have him go out one day to use all this stuff.He might get unusual attention which might help speed it up.
O.. big problem huh? Ok here's the way... Send him some emails which has a lot of funny stuff which represents smiles all over the email.. Make the whole page full of something very nice, interesting for boys, and especially very funny.. Or, you should visit him sometimes.. :) Do u have a bf? If u don't, and couldn't find 1 bf, ask him to be your bf then.. It will be great :)

it depends how old you are you could go down and see him...

or you could like send him a cad or something
Yea to be REAL honest with you ask him 2 visit you or you visit him and well give him a free bee at you.
hookers and blow

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